Working papers
The Price of Faith: Economic Costs and Religious Group Membership in Sub-Saharan Africa
(with Eduardo Montero and Dean Yang)
Becoming a Teacher: Experimental Evidence from an Information Intervention
(with Mariana Alfonso, Matías Busso, Hugo R. Ñopo, and Antonella Rivera)
Work in progress
Coping with Adversity: Life Cycle Shocks and Religiousness
Technical Reports:
Evaluación De Impacto Del Subsidio Al Pago Del Consumo De Agua Potable Y Servicio De Alcantarillado Y Tratamiento De Aguas Servidas
Impact Evaluation of Water Subsidy, Chile
(with Guernica Consultures)
Evaluación De Impacto Programas Fondo Solidario De Vivienda I Y II, Del Ministerio De Vivienda Y Urbanismo
Impact Evaluation of Housing Subsidy, Chile
(with Guernica Consultures)